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GDPR Compliance – Are you there yet, and if not can you get there?

What is GDPR compliance?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of standards that companies that handle data in the EU need to be compliant with. 25th of May 2018 is the date when these standards need to be met. After the 25th, companies that do not meet these standards of data privacy can be fined severely. Organizations involved in data processing of any sort need to be aware that the regulation addresses them directly in terms of the obligations it imposes. The GDPR emphasizes transparency, security and accountability by data controllers, while at the same time standardizing and strengthening the right of European citizens to data privacy.

Is my company GDPR complaint? How to check?

By reviewing your data policies. The most important things that you need to focus on are:

A) Reviewing data personal privacy rights
B) Learn about legal grounds of data processing
C) Change your consent request
D) Research child consent policies

Can I get help with this? What if I need assistance with getting GDPR compliance?

Of course. And Radix can help you with that. We help in two ways.
The first is consultation services. Our experts can help you revise your data handling policies and get them up to date with the standards required for GDPR.
The second is providing you with GDPR compliant solutions. Encrypted, safe and hosted in state of the art Swiss datacenters, these solutions are GDPR compliant and can help you with your data handling processes.

If you have any questions about GDPR compliance or our solutions, please contact us at

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How to add SSL encryption to your website for free

Anyone that has set up a web or an application server knows how challenging it is to deal with requesting, verifying and install an SSL/TLS certificate is. Fast forward into the future of today…

Let's Encrypt!
Let’s Encrypt is a certificate authority that has been created by the Linux Foundation with community support to tackle these challenges, a big part of EFF’s mission to encrypt the Web. They claim: “No validation emails, no complicated configuration editing, no expired certificates breaking your website. And of course, because Let’s Encrypt provides certificates for free, no need to arrange payment.”

There are 1,358,780 certificates issued to date and that number is growing by the minute. You can check all the issues certificates here.

The official client software “Certbot” is easy to use and completely open source.
You can grab it and see the help file using the following command:

$ git clone && cd certbot && chmod a+x certbot-auto && ./certbot-auto —help

To create a certificate and reconfigure apache to use it on a Centos6 machine this should do the trick.

sudo ./certbot-auto --apache --email youremail@yourdomain.tld --agree-tos --webroot -w /var/www/html/ -d subdomain.domain.tld -d www.subdomain.domain.tld

For more advanced and automated configuration instruction visit the Certbot homepage. If you need any help leave a reply in the comment section.

Martin Markovski,
Director Of Technology

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