Private Cloud is not a new concept or solution. For many years professionals in the IT field have been discussing the potential of pooling all their compute power and providing it as a utility to their consumers. With the advances that have been made in server virtualization it is now possible to implement this type of utility solution. Moreover, the concept of on-premises and hybrid private Cloud is gaining momentum as businesses look to take the benefits of traditional Cloud and run their Enterprises in a similar fashion.
Our Private Cloud solution is a fully flexible solution based on the technologies that you need. We have fully certified staff for OpenStack, VMWare, and HyperV Cloud Technologies. Our many years of experience with these technologies provides a completely new and different approach to managing and provisioning your IT resources. With our team it is possible to fully implement N-Tier application infrastructure without ever actually touching a piece of hardware. By using software defined data center techniques you can assemble and deploy firewalls, load balancers, web servers, application servers, databases, NAS arrays and all other types of hardware needed to run a customized Private Cloud.
We provide our Private Cloud solution in two different models. The first is to provide our services on site to support you in converting your current hardware into a utility. This is ideal for companies that are trying to improve the agility of their IT organization. Today, the business has many more options to consume IT services from. It is often faster and easier to consume these resources from public Cloud solutions than it is from their own IT organizations. Our solutions and services make it possible for the IT organization to compete against these external service providers. We can take your hardware and convert it into a flexible system that will provide resources on demand. We then convert your applications into a SaaS model that allows your users to consume them on demand. Your users will be able to get the reactivity they now expect out of IT while you maintain security and control of the Companies data.
The second solution is called the Virtual Private Datacenter (VPDC). In this model we provide you with all the resources you need – from dedicated physical hardware that is completely private and only used by yourself, through to appliances and support for your data center. Essentially, we host and manage the physical hardware and platform assets of your Cloud. VPDC is a fantastic idea if you are looking to refresh hardware, move into a tier rated datacentre or provide your business with greater resiliency – as well as taking the benefit of moving to a pay by the month scenario for infrastructure. We can also provide support to not only your VPDC but, if you require, the assets that your VPDC contains.