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Ivan Jankuloski ranked 2nd at Cisco Networking Academy NetRiders Europe, Russian Federation and CIS 2016 CCNA Competition

Our very own Ivan Jankuloski has been ranked second in the Cisco Networking Academy NetRiders Europe, Russian Federation and CIS 2016 CCNA Competition, that was held on 30th of June. In this competition, competitors were engaged in a 100 question – 60 minutes theoretical exam, as well as a practical part which evolved troubleshooting and resolving real networking issues.

By ranking in the top two, Ivan has won a free study trip to Cisco’s headquarters in San Jose, CA, where he will learn about Cisco technology from the top experts in the field. We are very happy that he is a part of team Radix. Ivan has been with us for less than 4 months, and he’s already becoming a very valuable member in our team. Here at Radix we always strive to hire the brightest and most hard-working young minds, and Ivan fits this profile perfectly. A young man that has a degree in radiology as well as being a very educated sys-admin. We look forward to have him share the knowledge he will acquire at Cisco HQ.

Official rankings of the competition here.

A picture of a very stoked Ivan Jankuloski below.





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Radix Technologies Video

A short video depicting our capabilities. Enjoy and share! 🙂

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