Hosted in Switzerland, this solution is one of the safest solutions out there. We offer the highest level of security and privacy for your data.
With its many features, TS-Talent offer you customization options like no other solution. Your unique processes will be only improved by what TS-Talent has to offer.
You can now collaborate with your team on TS-Talent- anywhere, anytime. This solution is developed to work on all modern devices.
Our engineers are here to support all your needs, resolve issues that may occur, as well as help you with the on-boarding process.
ТS-Talent is a solution that offers you great capabilities in creating, improving and adjusting your recruitment processes. With the ability to customize a large number of features in TS-Talent, you can develop a system that manages the entire recruitment process.
Collaboration in teams, custom reporting, social media campaigns, as well as e-mailing options and customization of processes, are just some of the features that are included in TS-Talent. This state of the art solution will provide with a basis for developing or improving your unique recruitment system.
All the features, along with the expert support that RadixCloud provides you with, makes a great combination if you are looking for a great system for your recruitment needs. With the security and privacy of your data provided by RadixCloud, you now can have a complete, safe and stable solution at a affordable cost.