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Radix Technologies joins ОPI

We are very happy to announce that we have joined the OPI (Office for the promotion of Industries and Technologies), in Geneva, Switzerland. We are very excited to be a part of this great organisation, that helps small and medium sized businesses thrive by helping them with promotion of their services and operations. Аs a Swiss Company, we are glad to be a part of this great network that promotes businesses in the Geneva area. OPI is also one of the best and most vocal supporters of the start up scene in Switzerland.

With their sister organisation FONGIT, they provide office space for а lot of startup companies including our own clients Proton Mail and Prodibi.

So in the near future, be ready to see us at OPI events and conferences, where we can share ideas and knowledge. We look forward to thriving together with the OPI network.

At OPI, we will be represented by Pierre Alain Schmidt who is our Sales and Marketing Director. He can be contacted through email ( for any additional information.

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Radix Technologies @Job Fair-Macedonia

We are very excited to announce that RadixCloud will be a part of this year’s Job Fair in Skopje Macedonia!

A part of our team will be at stand  #7 at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering, where young IT professionals or IT enthusiasts will be able to get to know our services better, as well as get to know what is it like to be part of the RadixCloud process. Within our stand, people will be able to experience working on test environments that our engineers will provide for young students to work and see how running a process in a Managed Service Provider company actually looks like! We are looking forward to meeting young minds and  IT enthusiasts that are looking for a position in a IT company that provides a complete set of IT services.

Follow our official FB event for the fair for more information, and of course if you attend come say hi!

We would also like to add that we are felling very very, very…



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Go Green or Go Home

If the beginning of the 21st century taught us anything is that is high time to start acting consciously as human beings. Whether it’s the floods in Southeast Africa in the beginning of the past year, or the terrifying hurricanes that affect the entire world, record high temperatures during summers in California, it’s a fact that we got to this point by being selfish as human beings.
But not all is lost. There are new initiatives every day, as well as innovations by brilliant minds that might help humanity win the battle with pollution and climate change. One such shining example is Boyan Slat from Holland, a brilliant young man who has detailed plans and blueprints for a vessel that can clean up as much as 7.250.000 tons of plastic from the ocean, while being solar powered and sustainable. And that’s just one example of a brave mind that seeks to change to world.

Ocean Clean UP
How does the Cloud help battle pollution and climate change? Well, the Cloud makes it possible for hosting providers to be as efficient as possible. As the industry evolves it only allows us to become more efficient and greener. Servers continuously get more capacity and use less power. This allows us to put more and more on a single machine that uses less power. With the process of virtualization, now Cloud providers can use their datacenters to take millions of processes that would have used an immense quantity of power, Inhouse equipment, and time and transform them into processes that can work faster while using a lot less resources, time and equipment.

At Radix Technologies we took it to the next level. Our data center Deltalis is the most advanced privately owned data center in the world, as well as being a 100% Eco Friendly as well as being 100% CO2 neutral. Nested in the Swiss Alps in the Canton Uri (one of the lowest carbon emitting places in the world) it’s just an hour away from Zurich. The date center uses natural resources such the granite rock, and water from the mountain itself, whilst not polluting the environment at all. Deltalis was formerly an army bunker that used by the Swiss Army, and now it’s an ecofriendly innovative solution.

Whitespace DC
This is our example of how innovation and the Cloud Industry are helping the world battle pollution and trying to change the state we’re in today. “Ride your bikes to work“ Mondays is a great contributing factor to battling the climate changes and pollution that help, but won’t be a solution good enough to solve the problems we, as humanity, are facing today. Innovation will. And the Cloud is an industry that is Innovation incarnate.
Don’t stop doing “Ride your bikes to work” Mondays, because they’re awesome and fun.

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My Experience at SCU 2015

This August I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of the SCU conference in a very rainy Basel. I settled at my hotel, got a good night’s rest and continued to Congress Center Basel, a large conference center near the Rhein River.
This year’s SCU had around 500 participants from all over the world, Мicrosoft MVPѕ, people that have worked with Windows for most their professional careers, and people who are just starting with enterprise level Windows implementations for clients. Needless to say, a bunch of professionals eager to learn, teach and share their experience with the attendees.

The 3 days of the SCU program were packed with all different kinds of speakers and sessions focusing on all things Windows systems, with a broad emphasis on Azure as a platform. This was particularly interesting to me, because of my background in Cloud systems, as well as being a Windows engineer for the most part of my proffesional career. So this was a great opportunity to learn from leading engineers that have built and used this system on different sized projects, with a lot of different uses, and different industries.
Finally, the third part of the Conference consisted of client testimonials who presented their success stories on how using Windows technologies have helped their businesses. Тhis was also quite useful for me, seeing how I learned some tips and tricks on how to improve my own work with our clients, as well as learning new and innovative ways on how to implement solutions to fit our clients’ needs.
Once all the sessions where done, coffee breaks, lunches and other events outside of the Congress Center, presented as great opportunities to chat with people, make great contacts as well as exchange experince with other participants on how to manage workflow, tips and tricks on using Azure and much more.

All in all, I found SCU to be a great experience, provided me with the opportunity to widen my knowledge base which I have since shared with my team here in Skopje, and also make great contacts with like minded people. Since attending SCU, I have found that our team has made quite a big number of improvements in our workflow, and the improved the quality of our service desk services that we provide globally. And I look forward to going to Berlin in 2016 at SCU again.


Aleksandar Maksimovski,

Leading Service Desk Specialist @ RadixCloud

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