Seeing how our web development and website building activities have tripled in the past year, it seemed only right to offer all of our clients а complete web service. And no web service can be complete without proper SEO.
Building a great website with today’s tools and our great team can be done easily, but making that site visible is a whole different story.

Keywords, content, crawling bots, analyzing KPI’s etc. is a lot of work, and work that needs to be done with precision. And in the ever-changing world of SEO, you must remain updated and in touch with all trends, or you will rank lower, slowly becoming invisible to the Internet.

This is why we were very careful in creating our SEO team, and selecting the tools that they will be working with to provide our clients with a great SEO service.
One such tool that we use is SEOlyzer. Free, easy to install, with real time metrics. With SEOlyzer our team has been able to provide clients with an SEO service across many platforms and operating systems.

When it comes to our SEO work, we must provide unique solutions for each client. Web shops, websites with informative content, businesses, restaurants, news portals, are just some of the websites types, that we do SEO for. With different KPIs to keep in mind, we have to use different strategies and tactics when it comes to creating solutions. SEOlyzer is a great tool that enables our team be proficient and proactive in their work, predicting and solving errors, instead of solving problems when it is too late.